Our birth preparation course offers a comprehensive and individual approach. Our team includes midwifes specialised in lactation and hypnose.
Perineal rehabilitation actively supports the process of getting back into shape after childbirth and helps to counteract bodily changes linked to pregnancy and childbirth.
DreamBirth® is a technique that comes from America and which allows you to create the conditions for a positive birth experience, transforming any type of birth into the best possible and most satisfying experience...
Sophrology is a psycho-corporeal method which allows you to have better knowledge of yourself, to develop your own abilities, but also to face challenges, to prepare for a situation, an event, to confront and overcome a problem….

Danielle Federspiel-Haag

66 Rue Langheck
5854 Alzingen

Take an appointment or book a class
Price of consultations

Midwife : taken in charge by CNS
Dietetician : taken in charge by CNS( tiers payant)on medical prescription
Osteopathe : 90 euros, not taken in charge by CNS
Psychotherapist : 90 euros, not taken in charge by CNS
Massage biennaître: depending on the massage time, non taken in charge by CNS